Orphan Ministry

Adopt - Foster - Serve - Donate - Educate

James 1:27 [NKJV]

27 Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.

I Swallowed My Fears & Jumped For The KIDS!!!

Now I Need Your Help So That We Can Continue To JUMP On This Problem Together.

Partner With Us & Together We Can

1. Raise much needed funds to raise the bar of ministry we give to the children across REGION 8.

​2. Register more residents with awareness courses that speak to the heart of the problem & what we can all do to help.

3. Incease the number of residents serving at local children’s shelters, group homes and those providing valuable support for foster parents.

4.  Initiate interest in more potential foster and adoptive parents

​5. Take part in special projects like providing hygiene items, school supplies, care packs, bedding, and support items  for parents and shelters caring for at risk children.

We Are All In This Thing Together - Day 1 – Adoption & Foster Parent Symposium

We Are All In This Thing Together - Day 2 – Adoption & Foster Parent Symposium

We are honored to raise up and support leaders who are gifted and called to passionately serve amongst the great work being done in the areas of ADOPTION & FOSTER care. Needless to say, so much more laborers are needed in this crisis. Complete a contact form to inquire about the different areas of our ADOPTION / FOSTER care ministry.

We are honored to raise up and support leaders who are gifted and called to passionately serve amongst the great work being done in the areas of ADOPTION & FOSTER care. Needless to say, so much more laborers are needed in this crisis. Complete a contact form to inquire about the different areas of our ADOPTION / FOSTER care ministry.

Joshua Generation Kingdom Closet / Food Pantry In Partnership With The Careportal


Some of the greatest honor of my life were to provide the services for those who meant the world to me to include a brother, my mom, grandfather, 1st lady and dozens of others. Funerals should honor the deceased and give hope for the remaining family. Complete a contact form to inquire about our marriage prep & coaching as well as wedding services.

Prison Ministry - Kairos

We are honored to raise up and support leaders who are gifted and called to passionately serve amongst the great work being done within the Texas prisons through the ministry of KAIROS. Complete a contact form to inquire about our KAIROS ministry.

mel keyes

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August 16, 20236 min read

mel keyes

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