Nursing Home Ministry

James 1:27 [NKJV]

27 Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this:
to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.


Some of the greatest honor of my life were to provide the services for those who meant the world to me to include a brother, my mom, grandfather, 1st lady and dozens of others. Funerals should honor the deceased and give hope for the remaining family. Complete a contact form to inquire about our marriage prep & coaching as well as wedding services.

Prison Ministry - Kairos

We are honored to raise up and support leaders who are gifted and called to passionately serve amongst the great work being done within the Texas prisons through the ministry of KAIROS. Complete a contact form to inquire about our KAIROS ministry.

Nursing home

We are honored to raise up and support leaders who are gifted and called to passionately serve the elderly men & women of the Sarah Roberts French Home on the west side of San Antonio, Texas. We believe this to be an integral part of the gospel that our Lord gave to his disciples. Complete a contact form to inquire about our NURSING HOME ministry.

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August 16, 20236 min read

mel keyes

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